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Good Shepherd Primary School and Nursery School, Derry

School Development Plan 2022-23

7th Sep 2022

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Our school is committed to continuous self-evaluation and improvement.  

In June 2021, we provided every member of our school community with the opportunity to reflect upon current provisions at Good Shepherd Primary & Nursery School.  This included capturing the views of each child at the school, parents/guardians, teachers, learning support assistants and our governors.  Thank you for all your responses.  Your views are important to us, and will help us inform future practice in making our school the best it can be.  Information gathered will help us build upon existing good practice, but have also highlighted opportunities for improvement.  We continued to gather your views in 2022 on a variety of topics such as homework and Nursery provision.

Please find attached a brief outline of some aspects of our provision which we aim to develop this academic year.

Thank you for your continued support of the school.

Yours Sincerely,

Mrs S. McCafferty