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Good Shepherd Primary School and Nursery School, Derry

Relax and Regulate Programme in Primary 3- Primary7

13th Apr 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians,


I would like to inform you of a new programme which our Primary 3-Primary 7 teachers will be delivering as part of our recovery curriculum following school closure.  This also is being delivered as part of our PDMU curriculum and pastoral care provision.


Relax and Regulate from Fresh Young Minds is a relaxation and self regulation programme where children learn a range of tools and techniques that enhance nervous system regulation and restores physical, emotional and mental balance.  Through the AMBER approach children learn how to release stored up energy and emotions and replace the effects of toxic stress with the immune boosting cycles of calm. 


I am excited to see how this programme continues throughout the school in equipping our children will life long skills and resilience.




Mrs S. McCafferty