Access Keys:

Good Shepherd Primary School and Nursery School, Derry

Primary 7 Post Primary Transfer Process

6th Feb 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As you may be aware, the Application Process for admission to Year 8 is now open for Primary 7 pupils.  This process will close at 4pm on Thursday 23rd February 2023.

Parents/Guardians will be required to log into the Education Authority (EA) Portal where the school choices are made and recorded, in order of preference, and all other necessary additional documentation is uploaded. This can be found on the EA Website here: 

If your child sat the AQE or GL assessments, you and your child can now make an informed decision about
which schools to choose.

It is important for all Parents/Guardians to read the admissions criteria carefully.  All local post primary school’s criteria have been saved in the Parents Area of the school website and are linked below for ease of access.  Please fill all preferences on your application.

If you would like any support or advice in relation to school choices, please make an appointment at the school office.

Kindest Regards,

Mrs S. McCafferty