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Good Shepherd Primary School and Nursery School, Derry


7th Apr 2020

Hello Everyone

I trust that you are all safe and well.

This message today is to let you all know that we as a school community are keeping everyone in our thoughts and prayers.

First and foremost, boys and girls we can’t tell you how much we miss you all. We know it’s really difficult for you and that you wish so much for things to be back to normal. Boys and girls... everything passes and in time everything will return to normal... we just have to accept this for now, make the best of it and look after each other. 
We really are so proud of how you’re dealing with this; helping at home, completing your work as best you can, taking some exercise and even learning some new skills around the house.
I’m sure you must have heard us all clap and cheer for you on Sunday!👏🤗

You get your Easter holidays on Wednesday at 12 noon, so put those books away and enjoy all those chocolate goodies.

Your teachers have put a message for you all on the website. Log on and go into your year group to read.
Your teachers will be in touch each week after Easter with your weekly work schedule. All you have to do is log on to our school website, click on Home Learning (the pink bar) and go into your year group to find out your tasks for the week. Don’t worry if you don’t get everything done... take your time and do your best! 
The most important thing to all of us is that you are safe and happy. 

God bless boys and girls and Happy Easter xx


Dear Parents

Thank you for all your great work in keeping the boys and girls on track with their school work. We really appreciate it. As I said to the boys and girls... don’t panic if you don’t get something’s not the end of the world. Go easy on yourselves... it’s not easy keeping on top of everything! Look after yourselves too.

Dear Staff

I want to acknowledge the fantastic work you have done in the most difficult of times. Thank you for your dedication and support.


Wishing you all a very safe and Happy Easter.

God bless

Maria Harley