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Good Shepherd Primary School and Nursery School, Derry

Mental Health Workshop with Primary 6

9th Feb 2023

Today we welcomed facilitators from the Reach programme to deliver a mental health awareness workshop with our Primary 6 classes.  The children enjoyed various fun and interactive activities aiming to raise awareness and understanding of how they can mind their own mental health and well-being. The focus was on building connections with friends, family and their wider community.  They shared compliments about each other and were encouraged to develop positive friendships. 🥰 Superb participation from our young learners. 

Here at Good Shepherd, the children’s well-being is paramount.  Here are a few details of some of the ways in which we aim to support our young people’s well-being...

🌟We walk the daily mile

🌟A broad and balanced curriculum

🌟A wide range of extra-curricular activities

🌟Personal development and Mutual Understanding 

🌟Neuronimo programme 

🌟Close liaison with other health and educational professionals

🌟Specialist PE coaching

🌟Promotion of active travel and healthy lifestyle choices

🌟EA Reach programme P5

🌟Primary 7 transition programme

🌟Rights respecting values

🌟Pupil voice- student council, eco council and digital leaders